Bio material
BALBc mouse strain
BALBc mouse strain
Mus musculus
Mus musculus
Mus musculus
Mus musculus
Major histocompatibility complex class II
Molecular entity
Homo sapiens
Leishmania major
Major histocompatibility complex class II
Homo sapiens
deoxyribonucleic acids
Mus musculus
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Documents and Publications
journal article
J Exp Med 2007. 204: 1095-1106.
Soares H., Waechter H., Glaichenhaus N., Mougneau E., Yagita H., Mizenina, O., Dudziak D., Nussenzweig M. C. and Steinman, R. M.
journal article
Nat Med. 2008 Feb;14(2):170-5. Epub 2008 Jan 27.
Verhasselt V, Milcent V, Cazareth J, Kanda A, Fleury S, Dombrowicz D, Glaichenhaus N, Julia V.
journal article
Mol Biol Cell 2007. 18: 3451-3462.
Le Roux D., Lankar D., Yuseff M. I., Vascotto F., Yokozeki T., Faure-Andre, G., Mougneau, E., Glaichenhaus, N., Manoury, B., Bonnerot, C. and Lennon-Dumenil, A. M.
journal article
J Cell Biol 2007. 176: 1007-1019.
Vascotto F., Lankar D., Faure-Andre G., Vargas P., Diaz J., Le Roux D., Yuseff M. I., Sibarita J. B., Boes M., Raposo G., Mougneau E., Glaichenhaus N., Bonnerot C., Manoury B. and Lennon-Dumenil A. M.
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preclinical study dataset
preclinical study dataset
preclinical study dataset
preclinical study dataset
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