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Monoclonal antibody


An mAb reacting to the immunodominant LACK156-173 peptide of leishmania bound to I-Ad MHC class II molecules was prepared. To this aim, we injected I-Ad/LACK recombinant dimers to TCR transgenic mice which exhibited an increased frequency of LACK-specific T cells. Four out of 600 supernatants, i.e. 2C44, 2F74, 2E60 and 2X8, readily stained LACK156-173-pulsed fibroblasts, but neither unpulsed fibroblasts nor OVA323-339-pulsed cells. BIAcore measurements yielded equilibrium dissociation constants ranging from 1.1 nM for 2C44 mAb to 120 nM for 2F74 mAb.

created over 15 years ago (2 March 2009)    last modified over 13 years ago (28 September 2011)   [ RDF Rdf ]   [ RelFinder Relfinder ]