Identification of phagosome proteins in dendritic cells
proteomics dataset
Proteomic map data will be generated for phagosomes formed after phagocytosis through different phagocytic receptors (FcRs, DEC-205, mannose receptor). We will do this by applying a unique methodology dedicated to the identification of phagosome proteins in dendritic cells, under various experimental conditions, that we developed at the Curie Institute. This methodology incorporates a unique sample preparation procedure based on 96 well plate complex sample trypsinization, a nano-LC-based peptide separation coupled to MSMS analysis sequencing. This procedure led us to the identification of 600 phagosomal proteins from murine DC phagosomes.
An integrated software solution has been developed to analyse these results and to perform comparative analysis of phagosome proteomes obtained in various conditions. This methodology has been applied successfully to identify:
a) a set of proteins specifically associated to phagosomes in DCs but not other phagocytes, such as macrophages,
b) a set of proteins specifically recruited to phagosomes during DCs maturation induced by various Toll-Like Receptors.
In collaboration with Norman Pavelka and Paola Ricciardi-Castagnoli (P32), a special effort is put to understand the impact of transcriptome remodelling on phagosome proteome remodelling during DC maturation. This task requires the development of dedicated software solutions that are currently on the way and should open new possibilities for transcriptomic data analysis from the DC-THERA network.
Proteomic maps will be established for phagosomes formed after phagocytosis through different phagocytic receptors (FcRs, DEC-205, mannose receptor).
- molecule type
- mannose binding lectin,
- Fc receptor,
- DEC receptor
- cell component type
- phagosome
- organism type
- Mus musculus
- cell type
- dendritic cell
created over 16 years ago
(2 March 2009)
last modified over 13 years ago
(28 September 2011)
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