Eu.Gene Analyzer
analysis software
Eu.Gene Analyzer is an easy-to-use, stand-alone application that allows rapid and powerful microarray data analysis in the context of biological pathways. Its intuitive graphical user interface makes it an easy and flexible tool, even for the first-time user. Eu.Gene supports a variety of array platforms, organisms and pathway ontologies, transparently deals with multiple nomenclature systems and seamlessly integrates data from different sources. Two different statistical methods, the Fisher Exact Test and the Gene Set Enrichment Analysis (GSEA), are implemented to identify biological pathways transcriptionally affected under experimental conditions. A suite of tools is offered to define, visualize and share custom non-redundant pathway sets.
In conclusion, Eu.Gene Analyzer is a new software application that takes advantage of information from multiple pathway databases to build a comprehensive interpretation of experimental results in a simple, intuitive environment.
Meanwhile, we have developed a new version of EuGene, EuGene 1.5, now available for download from the new EuGene Website at,which has several advantages:
a-Adds new functionality or optimize already present features to meet the requirements for DC-STUDIO.
b-set up a method to convert pathway deregulation into a categorical value, the signed Binary Enrichment Factor (sBEF), a three state variable (significantly up-regulated, significantly down-regulated and not significant) associated to each pathway of the curated pathway set for a particular sample. DC-STUDIO was engineered to store collections of sBEFs, as a sort of “barcodes”, for each sample analyzed, in a way that would be compatible with future integration with DC-BASE.
created over 16 years ago
(2 March 2009)
last modified over 13 years ago
(28 September 2011)
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