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Datasets  >  preclinical study dataset  >  Receptors for capture of ex...

Receptors for capture of exosomes by DC

preclinical study dataset

Our lab has generated data on receptors on dendritic cells necessary for capture of exosomes. In 2007, we have finalized analysis of the receptors on DCs responsible for capture of exosomes secreted by mature DCs. We have shown that expression of LFA-1, but not of Mac-1, integrin, on DCs is required for capture of ICAM-1-bearing exosomes. Furthermore, the CD8+ subpopulation of DCs in lymph nodes expresses LFA-1 at higher levels than the CD8- subpopulation, and is responsible for in vivo capture of injected exosomes. We have thus proposed a new role for LFA-1 on DCs, as a receptor to favor antigen transfer via exosomes in vivo. These results have been published in 2007 (Segura et al, JI).

created over 15 years ago (2 March 2009)    last modified over 13 years ago (28 September 2011)   [ RDF Rdf ]   [ RelFinder Relfinder ]