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The DCThera Directory - DC-Research

DC-RESEARCH.EU is an open knowledge resource for the dendritic cell research community.

DC-RESEARCH.EU is an index of research assets and expertise: it is designed to support translational research by providing annotations and interrelations on materials, datasets, tools, techniques, persons and organisations.

The content of DC-RESEARCH.EU can be accessed by researchers through its website and can be accessed programmatically: the information in DC-RESEARCH.EU is represented through machine processable languages, proper of the Semantic Web (RDF and RDFa).

DC-RESEARCH.EU was developed in the context of the DC-THERA network of excellence, and its content reflects the research expertise of its participants.

Home > Summary
Datasets 238
transcriptomic dataset 31 proteomics dataset 25 signalling dataset 53 imaging dataset 15 clinical study dataset 39
preclinical study dataset 80 gene list 2
Protocols 79
Standard operating procedure 15 Post-clinical protocol 4 Other protocol 11 Laboratory protocol 39 Clinical protocol 9
Treatment protocol 2
Bio Materials 524
molecular structure 159 cell 201 Aggregate biomaterial 21 Organism part 17 cellular_component 9
organism 109
Tools 122
method 7 device 51 software 15 algorithm 2 Databases, factual 5
Organizations 81
Persons 329