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Interaction between the T cell receptor and peptide antigen presented by the MHC molecules

proteomics dataset

Central to all T cell responses is the interaction between the T cell receptor and peptide antigen presented by the MHC molecules. This interaction selects the dominant T cell clones with the most favourable (not necessarily highest) affinity and determines the extent of cross-reaction with epitope variants.

I am currently collaborating with the structural biology group of Professor Yvonne Jones in the Nuffield Department of Medicine (NDM) at the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics. This collaboration has led to structural data on the CD1b in complex with several glycolipids, the NY-ESO-1 specific TCR in complex with the wild type NY-ESO-1 157-165 peptide and super agonist peptides with a modified carboxyl-terminal end, and more recently on the structure of CD1d in complex with a-galactosylceramide and the structure of the iNKT T Cell Receptor.

created over 16 years ago (2 March 2009)    last modified over 12 years ago (21 May 2012)   [ RDF Rdf ]   [ RelFinder Relfinder ]