Saccharomyces cerevisiae
S. cerevisiae strain BY4741 och1 (Mata his3delta1 leu2delta0 met15delta0 ura3delta0 OCH1::kanMX4) was cultured in complete medium till exponentially phase.
The cellswere biotinylated, labeled and - after treatment of DCs - detected using APC-labeled streptavidin and analyzed by flow cytometry.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
S. cerevisiae strains BY4741 (genotype, Mata his3delta1 leu2delta0 met15delta0 ura3delta0) was cultured in complete medium till exponentially phase.
The cells were biotinylated, labeled and - after treatment of DCs - detected using APC-labeled streptavidin and analyzed by flow cytometry.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain SK1 (MATa/alpha HO gal2 cupS can1R BIO, Kane SM and Roth J. 1974 Bacteriol. 118: 8-14) was cultured in complete medium (YPD, 2% yeast extract, 1% peptone, 2% glucose) for 18 hours, then collected, washed twice with sterile water and resuspended at 108 cells/ml.
The cells were biotinylated, labeled and - after treatment of DCs - detected using APC-labeled streptavidin and analyzed by flow cytometry.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
After 10’ of incubation in 65 °C water bath, the samples were incubated on ice.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
The yeast cells were resuspent in 3.6 ml AE Buffer and then transferred in 15 ml tubes wit 200 µl 10% SDS (w/v). 2 ml of preheated acid phenol (pH 4.3) were added and the falcon were mixed by vortex.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
In a process of total RNA extraction from S. cerevisia, the cells were collected and the pellet were resuspend in 3.6 ml AE Buffer.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Monocyte-derived DCs were added to the yeast at a final concentration of 5x105 cells/ml into 96-well plates.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae
These are strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that were cultured and collected in different conditions:
- different growth phase (exponential and stationary phase)
- different growth media (standard and promoting pseudohyphal growth)
- different cell form (spheroplast, spore and whole cell)