confocal microscope
A Zeiss LSM 510 confocal microscope is available for use in the lab.
confocal microscope
We have a confocal microscope available. This microscope was is used, for instance, for the characterization of antigen depots.
In the lab, there is a multi-photon microscope available. It is used, for instance, in the analysis of in vivo distribution and motility of NK cells.
two-photon excitation microscope
There is a two-photon intravital microscope available in the laboratory. It was used, among other things, to analyze the infiltration and destruction of solid tumors by CTLs.
two-photon excitation microscope
In our lab we have a two-photon microscope. For instance, cell death was assessed in the viable epidermis by non-invasive near infrared two-photon microscopy following micro-particle bombardment of murine skin.
confocal microscope
A confocal microscope is available in our laboratory.
fluorescence microscope
For our work, we have a fluorescence microscope at our disposal. We use it, among other things, to analyse DC distribution in spleen and how this is affected during inflammation driven by stromal cells or hematopoietic cells.
electron microscope
We have used the electron microscope that is available to our lab, e.g., to document the production and secretion of tubulovesicular structures by cells overexpressing VSV-G glycoprotein and for documentation of production and secretion of tubulovesicular structures.
confocal microscope
There is a confocal microscope at our disposal for confocal imaging.