device, platform
Led by Figdor (P2), this platform was established between four centres that respectively provide expertise and facilities for a variety of high resolution imaging techniques and MRI of humans in Nijmegen NL (P2, Figdor); MRI of mice in Erlangen DE (P6, Lutz); two photon microscopy in Paris FR (P13, Amigorena); and correlation spectroscopy in Marseilles FR (P22, Pierre). The platform organised several high quality courses and workshops in 2006-7 which continued in 2008.
This platform with its enhanced GMP facilities for production of clinical-grade DC is established in Erlangen DE (P6, Schuler / Schuler-Thurner). However, later it was decided to seek a licence for the production of GMP-grade mRNA that will be used for the (revised) multi-centre clinical trial.
microarray platform
Genopolis hosts a microarray platform that uses the Affymetrix GeneChip® microarray technology for genome and transcriptome analyses. In 2008, this platform was enhanced by the incorporation of a new institute [the Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics] to provide ‘Illumina’ microarray profiling.
The following services are currently available:
Whole genome genotyping applications, which include:
1. family-based association studies
2. cancer genetics
3. population genetics
4. chromosomal copy number analysis
Whole genome gene expression profiling application
microarray platform
An Illumina transcriptional profiling platform is available for microarray analyses.
microarray platform
The microarray device at our disposal uses Affymetrix GeneChip® technology.
This platform with its state-of-the-art mass spectrometry facilities is led by Mann (P33). To enhance the platform, two additional groups were recruited as Third Parties: P114 Edwin Lasonder in Nijmegen (NL), and P113 Juri Rappsilber in Edinburgh (GB).
The mass spectrometer has been used, for instance, to identify and quantify chemokine dependent tyrosine phosphorylation events. Furthermore, the success of SILAC labelling was analysed using the mass spectrometer.