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Protocol Steps  >  staining step  >  Staining of D2SC1/Flt3-DC a...

Staining of D2SC1/Flt3-DC and of the cells to be taken up

staining step

Protocol: Uptake of dead cells by D2SC1/Raw/Flt3-DC/GM-DC

Staining of D2SC1/Flt3-DC and staining of the cells to be taken up by Mini67-1KT or Mini26-1KT (PKH67/PKH26 green/red fluorescent cell linker mini kit for general cell membrane labelling) from Sigma

created over 15 years ago (2 March 2009)    last modified over 13 years ago (28 September 2011)   [ RDF Rdf ]   [ RelFinder Relfinder ]