Serological immunoreactivity against colon cancer proteome varies upon disease progression.
journal article
De Monte L., Sanvito F., Olivier S., ViganĂ² F., Doglioni C., Frasson M., Braga M., Bachi A., Dellabona P., Protti M.P., Alessio M.
J Proteome Res (In press)
Sera from colon carcinoma patients were used to identify tumor-associated antigens (TAAs) by screening tumor proteome resolved by 2D electrophoresis. A panel of six TAAs eliciting a serological immune response in colorectal cancer was identified, showing a modification in antigen recognition by B cells in patients as a function of colon cancer progression. The expression of these proteins was either confined or increased in tumor as compared to normal mucosa.
Pub Med:
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