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Dendritic cells and the control of immunity.

journal article

Banchereau J, Steinman RM
Nature. 1998 Mar 19;392(6673):245-52.

B and T lymphocytes are the mediators of immunity, but their function is under the control of dendritic cells. Dendritic cells in the periphery capture and process antigens, express lymphocyte co-stimulatory molecules, migrate to lymphoid organs and secrete cytokines to initiate immune responses. They not only activate lymphocytes, they also tolerize T cells to antigens that are innate to the body (self-antigens), thereby minimizing autoimmune reactions. Once a neglected cell type, dendritic cells can now be readily obtained in sufficient quantities to allow molecular and cell biological analysis. With knowledge comes the realization that these cells are a powerful tool for manipulating the immune system.

URL: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v392/n6673/abs/392245a0.html

Pub Med: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9521319

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